- Publikacja dostępna cyfrowo - EBOOK

S p i s t r e ś c i
Introduction 5
Rachel Elior – The Expression of Human Freedom in Jewish Mysticism 7
Agata Bielik-Robson – Individuation through Sin. The Tension between the Tragic and the Messianic in Modern Jewish Thought 47
Katarzyna Kornacka – Explaining the Inexplicable. Theodicy after Auschwitz in the Thought of Eliezer Berkovits 75
Piotr Mirski – Postholocaust Jewish Theological Responses to the Holocaust and the Problem of Evil. Selected Concepts 91
Stefan Konstańczak – In the Shadow of Holocaust – Hans Jonas's Concept of Homo Patiens 113
Zbigniew Sareło – Max Josephs Conception of Jewish Nation 123